Sysparency revolutionizes the profitable use of software in the enterprise by introducing the first AI-based and automated software interpreter.
In a world where technology and business processes are increasingly merging, Sysparency’s goal is to help companies optimize and simplify their business processes through advanced, automated and AI-based software consulting solutions. Sysparency AI explains, specifies and documents complex software programs fully automatically in an online-enabled WIKI.
With the sysparencyWIKI for SAP, Sysparency prepares incomprehensible and undocumented SAP ABAP® transactions in a professionally and technically understandable language and acts as a kind of SAP® interpreter.
Sysparency, with its unique scientifically developed code mining technology, gives software customers back control of their most important business know-how and ensures greater innovation and significantly faster project implementation speed. All self-developed software programs are specified fully automatically and described professionally and technically using artificial intelligence.
Regain control of your corporate USPs by better understanding your individual software applications. This strengthens your internal team and reduces costs and project risks.
Sysparency has been actively developed with our international customers and research partners since 2010. Sysparency GmbH is part of the ReqPOOL Group.
Management team
Florian Schnitzhofer
Florian Schnitzhofer is the CEO and owner of Sysparency GmbH and senior executive consultant for software. He advises the top management of leading companies in Germany and Austria on the most important topics related to digital transformation. Florian Schnitzhofer teaches the methods of industrialized software development as a lecturer at various universities and technical colleges. Mr. Schnitzhofer studied computer science and computer science management.
Natalie Hutterer
Natalie Hutterer is COO at Sysparency and is also responsible for growth hacking and corporate development at Sysparency. Ms. Hutterer was previously a manager at a leading software consultancy and is an executive management consultant for complex software projects. Ms. Hutterer is a certified project manager and studied communication, knowledge and media at the FH-Hagenberg.
Sebastian Kornexl
Sebastian Kornexl is CTO at Sysparency and responsible for product development and the company’s technological orientation.
Mr. Kornexl has over 20 years of experience as a software engineer and product owner for software in the field of test management and test automation.
He studied business informatics at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz.
Strategic Advisory Board
Markus Manz
Mag. Markus Manz is the commercial director of the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH). The SCCH is an independent research center in the field of software and is one of the holding companies of Upper Austrian Research GmbH. Previously, Mr. Manz successfully managed the development of the high-tech incubator tech2b into one of Austria’s leading technology incubators and established the PIER4 brand as an interface between industry and startups. Mr. Manz studied economics at the JKU and applied environmental sciences in Koblenz and has been teaching information and knowledge management at various universities of applied sciences for over 10 years.
Josef Pichler
Mr. Pichler is Professor of Programming and Project Development at the Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences. His research interests lie in the areas of domain-specific languages, end-user programming, reverse engineering and toolmaking in software technology. Mr. Pichler and his team were significantly involved in the programming of the unique Sysparency algorithm. Josef Pichler studied software engineering at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg and received his doctorate in computer science from the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) in 2004.
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