Sysparency uses artificial intelligence to automate the AS-IS analysis and explains, specifies and documents individual SAP programs and features.
Many companies use SAP® and anchor the majority of their competitive advantage and unique selling points in undocumented SAP® custom extensions. However, it is these undocumented and often technologically outdated SAP® individual programs that make SAP® updates and technical optimizations more difficult and slow down the necessary business innovation.
Sysparency’s artificial intelligence revolutionizes the automated specification and documentation of SAP® individual programs and SAP® customizing. Sysparency acts like an ABAP interpreter and translates difficult to understand and often undocumented SAP® individual programs into human language.
Sysparency analyzes, describes and specifies the entire SAP extension space and makes it completely transparent. The result is then used to automatically create an online-compatible WIKI.
Increase the speed of your change and innovation projects
Exporting SAP customizations
Analysis and documentation using codeMINING methods
Automated generation of the AI-based sysparencyWIKI
AI-based sysparencyWIKI for SAP®
For more than a decade, our team of scientists at the Software Competence Center Hagenberg at Johannes Kepler University has been working intensively on the development of advanced AI algorithms. Our goal: to accelerate the development of SAP® software enhancements. We achieved our breakthrough as Sysparency a few years ago and since then we have significantly increased the speed of SAP® updates, SAP® enhancements and digitalization projects.
Our unique codeMINING technology gives SAP® customers back control of their most valuable business know-how. With fully automated specification and functional and technical description using artificial intelligence, we accelerate your project implementation and promote the innovative strength of our customers. Take the opportunity to regain control of your company’s unique selling points by better understanding your SAP® and ABAP® custom applications. Strengthen your internal team, reduce costs and minimize project risks.
SYSPARENCY synchronizes with your digitization updates and automatically creates a new version of the sysparencyWIKI with each update. At SYSPARENCY, we call this continousDOCUMENTATION and thus we guarantee you the permanent transparency of your SAP® system through the completeness of the documentation of all SAP® individual developments.
The sysparencyWIKI consists of the following four modules: insightREPORT, businessANALYST, enterpriseARCHITECT and dataREPORT.
Sysparency analyzes all enhancements to an SAP system and prepares this information for management. You immediately gain a deep insight into your SAP system.
Optimize business processes through in-depth analyses and AI-based documentation of business workflows and automatically generated user interfaces.
All direct file accesses and implemented interfaces are displayed transparently and clearly. The information can be exported for enterprise architecture software.
The clearly presented and professionally explained data structures that your SAP software application has implemented give you a deep insight into the functional logic and technical structure of the ERP system.
Management Board of Sysparency
Sysparency is an academic spin-off of the Software Competence Center Hagenberg, the Johannes Kepler University and the consulting company ReqPOOL. Der intelligente SYSPARENCY codeMINING Algorithmus wird seit 2010 aktiv mit unseren zahlreichen internationalen Kunden und unseren Forschungspartnern entwickelt.
Sysparency has set itself the goal of making software systems understandable and transparent. Sysparency is the market leader for automated analysis and extraction of business logic from complex business software systems. Sysparency uses state-of-the-art artificial intelligence to perform accurate and effective analysis of SAP systems and business processes. The technology behind the sysparencyWIKI automates the analysis process, recognizes patterns and correlations and visualizes this information in a way that users can understand.
SAP Z-Extensions® are your competitive advantage!
Sysparency’s globally unique software solutions analyze the existing SAP® extensions and ABAP® programs in historically grown SAP® systems and generate automated documentation from them in the form of an online-capable WIKI system. With Sysparency you reduce the effort of the business department, as well as the costs for external software developers and gain valuable knowledge about the optimizations of your value-adding processes.
We recommend the sysparencyWIKI for every phase of an S/4 HANA upgrade project and for every digital company on the way to more integration of artificial intelligence software.
Learn more about the advantages of the sysparencyWIKI for your future business success:
Respond to changes in real time, flexibly adapt your Z-processes and strengthen your competitiveness.
Empower your internal teams to make adjustments themselves. Become more agile, responsive and independent from external parties.
Automated analysis and documentation of individual SAP Z enhancements and ABAP programs.
Satisfied customers say about SYSPARENCY
The broad accessibility and applicability of the sysparencyWIKI make it an ideal tool for a wide range of companies, regardless of their size or industry. Numerous customers use the world’s first fully automated and digital SAP interpreter to optimize business processes and value chains within the company and make them more efficient.
"The sysparencyWIKI provided us with the perfect basis for launching and then successfully completing the major transformation project."
"The automated and complete documentation of our core banking system by SYSPARENCY saved us significant time and money and was a regulatory requirement"
"The simplicity of implementing SYSPARENCY's continuous documentation process for our thousands of SAP ABAP programs is impressive."
Frequently Asked Questions
The technology behind the sysparencyWIKI automates the analysis process using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, recognizes patterns and correlations and visualizes this information in a way that users can understand. With its intuitive user guidance, the sysparencyWIKI enables companies to gain deep insights into their SAP and business software systems independently of external consultants and to use this information for optimizations and adjustments.
SYSPARENCY analyzes your ABAP-based extensions and generates the desired sysparencyWIKI modules. These are made available to you online via the SYSPARENCY infrastructure and handed over to you with personal training.
Many questions arise, especially before the introduction of the sysparencyWIKI, and we would like to address these here.
Sysparency’s globally unique software solutions analyze the existing SAP® ABAP® programs in historically grown SAP® systems and generate automated documentation from them in the form of an online-capable WIKI system.
Sysparency automatically extracts all relevant software key figures from the SAP individual programs and prepares this information for you as a basis for your well-founded business decisions.
Automatically generated masks and control flow diagrams show possible user interaction. Decisions are represented by mathematical formulas or decision tables.
All direct file accesses and implemented interfaces are displayed transparently and clearly. The information can be exported for enterprise architecture software.
SYSPARENCY captures all types of individual SAP database accesses and data manipulations on business objects and prepares this information for IT decision makers, data scientists and business departments.
Your SAP administrators will receive our unique SYSPARENCY SAP codeADAPTER and an introduction in an approx. 20-minute virtual coordination meeting. With the codeADAPTER all individual SAP extensions are extracted, loaded on the SYSPARENCY codeVAULT and stored encrypted.
SYSPARENCY analyzes your ABAP-based extensions and generates the sysparencyWIKI. These are made available to you via the SYSPARENCY infrastructure and handed over to you with personal training.
Our continuousDOCUMENTATION technology keeps your SYSPARENCY WIKI constantly up to date.
According to the definition of a WIKI application, it is also possible with Sysparency to insert existing documentation and individualized content. This functionality makes the sysparencyWIKI the central place for your software documentation.
Sysparency’s products automatically analyze existing SAP® extensions and ABAP® programs. The amount of work required by our customers amounts to around half an hour of virtual meetings with our technical experts.
Together the SAP ABAP programs are extracted with our SYSPARENCY codeADAPTER, compressed and encrypted and uploaded to SYSPARENCY codeVAULT.
SYSPARENCY offers personal and online training on the use of the WIKI as part of the set-up of the sysparencyWIKI.
Sysparency’s products automatically analyze the existing SAP® extensions and ABAP® programs in your SAP® systems. Our unique SYSPARENCY insightREPORT measures and evaluates your overall system and prepares the most important key figures as an online report suitable for management.
All Z-transactions are listed and their calls are analyzed. Get an overview of the architecture of your SAP® systems and their integration with our dashboard.
Business and value chains are constantly evolving and so are the supporting software systems. SYSPARENCY synchronizes with your digitization updates and automatically creates a new version of the sysparencyWIKI with each update.
At SYSPARENCY we call this CONTINOUS DOCUMENTATION and thus we guarantee you the everlasting transparency of your SAP system through the completeness of the documentation of all SAP individual developments.
Interested or have further questions?
Arrange a no-obligation initial consultation with our SYSPARENCY experts.
We will introduce you to our products and answer all your questions in a straightforward online meeting.